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Measure Attention with the Power of Virtual Reality!

Enhance your assessments of attention deficits in children.

The Virtual Classroom Attention Tracker (vCAT®) provides a comprehensive, objective, and engaging way to test attention within an evidence-based immersive environment.

vCAT® is a Proprietary Solution of Cognitive Leap Solutions   Offered Through Cogleap Center for Achievement

What Makes vCAT® Unique?

Supported by Clinical Research

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In a VR classroom, children's attention performance and behavior are systematically measured under distracting conditions typically found in the real world.

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vCAT® combines an engaging, easy-to-use experience with innovative technology to

objectively measure attention processes, hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity.

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Utilizing a large normative data sample, vCAT® provides objective performance metrics to evaluate a child's attention and behavior relative to

peers of the same age.

Who Does vCAT® Help?

Empower Healthcare Practitioners and Caregivers

Benefit from a deep and thorough understanding of your client’s focused attention, concentration, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and how these variables are impacted by real-world distractions.

Measure Relevant
Client Performance Change

vCAT® helps establish a client's baseline to support later measurement of performance change. Our VR system provides a systematic and objective assessment within an ecologically relevant setting.

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View a vCAT® Sample Report

vCAT®'s report defines impulsivity, general focus, and more.

See for yourself how your clients and their guardians can be empowered by personalized results.

Adopting VR Tools is Simple!


Introducing Cognitive Leap Solutions, Inc.

Cognitive Leap develops cutting-edge assessment and intervention solutions for healthcare professionals to enhance mental health outcomes worldwide.

In the Media

Dr. Skip Rizzo

Enhancing Mental Health Care With VR

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Ready to Adopt vCAT®?

It's simple. 
Contact us today to get started!

We are ready to help!

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